FFF Lebanon’s Youth Declaration for Kafala System Abolishment
Sign the Youth Declaration for the Abolishment of the Kafala System! The Kafala system is a form of neo-slavery and is an exploitative system used to monitor migrant laborers working in domestic and construction sectors in Lebanon. The Kafala system requires all unskilled laborers to have a sponsor, or ‘kafeel’, in Lebanon who is responsible for their visa and legal status. The system has been criticized by many human rights organizations as it creates very easy opportunities for the exploitation of workers, for many sponsors and employers take away passports and abuse their workers with little chance of legal action in response (Wikipedia). We must protect the rights of these workers. Climate justice is social justice!
We, as the youth of Lebanon, are therefore demanding the abolishment of the Kafala system. Our Declaration is as follows:
“We, as the Lebanese youth and citizens of the future, believe that it is our duty to speak about the horrifying and unacceptable situation of domestic workers in our country. We all desire a better Lebanon, we all want to live freely, we all hope for a better world, but how can we achieve such a world when we allow oppression and abuse in our society? The Kafala system is nothing short of modern-day slavery, and the rights and dignity of many foreign domestic workers are being trampled on and violated every single day. We can bring change, we can build the wonderful Lebanon we all dream of, but we must take the first step which is upholding basic human rights for all. We will never be a developed society that takes care of its citizens as long as we enslave and strip foreigners of their rights.
Take action.
Abolish Kafala for a better Lebanon
“إعلان الشباب لإلغاء نظام الكفالة
نقف مع عاملات المنازل.
نحن، شباب لبنان ومواطني المستقبل، نعتقد أن من واجبنا أن نتحدث عن الوضع المروع وغير المقبول لعاملات المنازل في بلدنا فيما يتعلق بحقوق الإنسان. كلنا نرغب بلبنان أفضل، وكلنا نريد العيش بحرية، ونتطلع إلى عالم أفضل، لكن كيف يمكننا أن نحقق مثل هذا العالم عندما نسمح بالقمع والإساءة في مجتمعنا؟ إن نظام الكفالة ليس أقل من العبودية المعاصرة، ويتم دوس وإنتهاك حقوق وكرامة العديد من عاملات المنازل الأجنبيات كل يوم. يمكننا أن نحدث التغيير، يمكننا أن نبني لبناننا الرائع الذي نحلم به جميعاً، لكن يجب أن نتخذ الخطوة الأولى لذلك وهي ضمان إحترام جميع حقوق الإنسان الأساسية للجميع. لن نكون أبداً مجتمعًا متحضرًا يهتم بمواطنيه طالما أننا نستعبد الأجانب ونحرمهم من حقوقهم.
نحن نطالب بإلغاء نظام الكفالة. إنضم إلينا.”
Sign this declaration here if you are an individual and here on behalf of an organization. In addition, donate to provide emergency relief for domestic workers in Lebanon.
The organization that has initiated this fundraiser, Anti-Racism Movement (ARM), is “currently responding to the immediate needs of migrant workers, refugees, and marginalized groups affected by the August 4th explosion in Beirut, the Covid-19 pandemic and the ever-worsening economic situation. Hundreds of thousands are facing homelessness, loss of income, no freedom or means to return to a country of origin and lack of access to basic necessities to survive. ARM is raising funds to secure and distribute temporary shelter; house repairs; food and water; hygiene products; first aid and medical items; fees for repatriation; airline tickets; PCR tests and cash assistance for people with specific needs.”
You may visit @armlebanon for more fundraisers and information.
Reposted from FFF Lebanon